Are you entreprenipponial?

If you are entrepreneurial in Japan, then indeed, you are entreprenipponial!

Join the next webinar!



Public access via zoom

This webinar series is conducted with Make March Matter: Free online community for business owners. Founded on February 27th, 2020, #MakeMarchMatter is a free online community of entrepreneurs, freelancers, and professionals focused on accountability, community and inspired action to sustain our business, personal and community success despite the challenges in our pandemic reality. #MakeMarchMatter was a nominee for the BCCJ BBA 2020 Responsible Business Awards and has a thriving English-speaking community of over 250 members. There are regular online sessions for community, accountability and inspiring each other to action. It is growing organically and based on member needs or more information visit the Facebook group.

Visit the Make March Matter Facebook page

A website of Gramercy Engagement Group, Inc.

グラマシー エンゲージメント グループ株式会社
〒105-6027 東京都港区虎ノ門4-3-1 城山トラストタワー 27階

[email protected]