


Learning the Techniques of Listening and Questioning based on Coaching Principles

Fostering Team Support and Engagement

In recent years, concepts such as psychological safety, well-being, and diversity and inclusion (D&I) have been integrated into business strategies. Management understands that high engagement and a healthy organization are essential for a company’s growth. However, simply includring terms like "psychological safety, well-being, and diversity and inclusion (D&I)" in a mid-term plan does not change company culture. Transforming corporate culture arises from the daily relationships between people. The vitality of an organization depends on leaders' communication skills. This seminar will explain the skills leaders need to respect others and communicate effectively.

コース概要/Course Overview

    1. 職場のウェルビーイングと心理的安全を育む:リーダーの傾聴力と質問力の重要性/Fostering Workplace Well-Being and Psychological Safety: The Key Role of Leaders' Listening and Questioning Skills

コース詳細/Course Details

  • 無料/Free
  • 32分の動画/32min VIDEO
  • 日本語字幕/English audio



  • 1. 心理的安全性の向上


  • 2. ウェルビーイングの促進


  • 3. 組織文化の変革


Key Challenges This Seminar Addresses

Developing effective communication skills in leaders is a crucial step toward overcoming organizational challenges and driving long-term success.

  • 1. Enhancing Psychological Safety

    By developing effective communication skills, leaders can create an environment where team members feel more comfortable expressing their opinions. Employees are able to share ideas openly and collaborate on problem-solving.

  • 2. Promoting Well-being

    When leaders demonstrate respect and empathy toward others, employee well-being improves. This fosters a healthy work environment, increasing employee satisfaction and performance.

  • 3. Transforming Organizational Culture

    Improving the quality of daily communication leads to a positive shift in company culture. By modeling effective communication, leaders set an example that enhances communication across the organization and promotes efficient teamwork.